A website for friends and family.
Tired of exorbitant fees from Shopify or Wix? I’ll build your website to your needs and host it on my server for a price that will blow your mind. The catch? This is for a limited amount of friends and family who know me personally. I really just want to share the cost of the server.
Fast Site Speed
Your site will be running with Litespeed Cache coupled with the Quic Cloud CDN to ensure the fastest site speeds. I will also personally optimize your site to the best of my ability.
Divi Page Builder
I will teach you how to easily update and post new things to your page. All pages will include the full Divi suite along with a ton of paid tools like Divi Supreme, Divi Booster, etc.
WooCommerce Store
If you’re thinking about running a store on Shopify or similar but the monthly cost seems too high($29 is NOT how much Shopify is after you add in all the other fees, lol), I can set you up on a WooCommerce store for a fraction of the cost.
The big question…
Why go with me?
You definitely get faster hosting if you go with Shopify, but it’s difficult to justify the high costs when you are just starting out. $38 CAD per month is for their basic subscription, but that doesn’t include the extra costs for purchasing a theme, additional tools and apps, etc. Many of WordPress and WooCommerce apps/plugins are free due to being open-source, and anything that is pay-to-use, I can share with the entire server. My server specs are slightly under what you get with the basic Shopify hosting, and I’ll always be tinkering and updating our server to try and churn out as much speed as possible.
Lots of reasons to own a website
And a professional looking one is just as important. Check out the cool wheel I made to the right with the different types of websites I have experience in creating.
Check out my work!
I’ve created many websites in the past, and with every project I’d like to believe I’m getting better. I definitely won’t have the same level of skill as someone doing this fulltime would have, but I know my way around basic to intermediate web development.
Marque Lashes
Our brand of DIY Lash Extensions by my wife, my sister, and myself. This is a fully fleshed out WooCommerce store with many features that would cost over $75 per month on Shopify.
Sister & Smiles
A side hustle that my wife has been actively doing since the pandemic. It outlines all the information about her teeth whitening service from a licensed dental hygienist.
Schuri the Shiba
When we first got our dog, we originally hoped to become YouTube famous. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen but at least we created this cool website for prospective owners.
Contact Me
If you know me as a friend or family member, then you should know how to contact me! Give me a ring via text, facebook, or whever.